For the latest information on upcoming events both at OLLI and in the community, make sure you sign up for the e-newsletter!
OLLI at UNLV Quick Updates
- Need to pay your membership fee? Pay online.
- View the Class Catalog and Grid
- Support the OLLI at UNLV Program today!
- Request an OLLI Online Great Courses account
- Find current and archived news items.
- Input your Emergency Contact Information
Special Events this Semester!
OLLI at UNLV is happy to bring the following special events on varied topics to our members. Please attend those which interest you. More detailed information about signing up and location details will be sent out through our weekly electronic emails. September 19th, the Brain Health & You: Memory & Movement event brings together free memory and balance assessments with the opportunity to ask a panel of experts any questions you have on movement and memory as you age! Anybody is able to sign up for either or both parts of this event, brought to you by UNLV and Touro University Nevada. Eric Schimmoeller, from UNLV, will present a three part series on Planned Giving at the Foundation on the following dates and topics: 9/21/23 What has Congress Done for You: Secure Act 2.0, 10/5/23 Make UNLV Write You a Check and 10/26/23 It's Your Money...Keep It: Control Your Cash and Assets While Giving. Dinner will be provided. Watch for sign up instructions. Another exciting Brain Health and You event will take place on 12/14/23 at Dr. Arturo Rando-Grillot Recital Hall, UNLV Main Campus, 11:30am-1:30pm. Join us for Music and Brain Health. Watch for more information coming your way soon.
Check out our Events Calendar to see everything going on at OLLI and beyond!
Accessing Your OLLI at UNLV Classes is your one stop access to all class content online. Here, you will be able to find handouts, powerpoints, and video links provided by the instructors of the classes you are taking, our online collection of Great Courses, as well as all other classes with materials provided. For as long as you are a member, you will have access to this site and no longer have to create an account each semester.
As an OLLI at UNLV member, you will be provided your very own account for accessing online class content. If you were a recent member, your account will remain active and no action is needed. If you need assistance, please email
- From an internet browser (Chrome or Firefox are recommended) visit
- A screen requesting your username and password should appear
- Enter the username and password provided to you by the OLLI at UNLV Administrative Team and click Log in.
- After logging in, you will be directed to your class Dashboard. This page allows you to quickly view your recently accessed classes as well as your class overview.
- If you do not see the class you are looking for in the Dashboard, you will need to select Site Home on the left side of the screen to view the entire list of classes offered by OLLI at UNLV this semester.
- Click on the title of the class to view any online class content. Please note that these class materials are the intellectual property of our instructors and other content providers. Therefore, while we invite you to enjoy this content, please do not share beyond our membership.
Member Spotlights
Visit our Member Spotlight page and read more about some of our amazing volunteers! The volunteers at OLLI at UNLV have done so much for our learning community, so beginning in 2021 we started the Member Spotlights to highlight a different volunteer every semester. Interested in getting involved? Check out the information below or visit our volunteerism webpage to learn more!
Volunteering at OLLI
Our program depends on volunteers dedicated to the continuous improvement and success of our lifelong learning community. There are a variety of opportunities for members to participate however their schedule and availability allows. We encourage members looking for volunteer roles on an as needed basis to assist with making coffee, taking attendance, monitoring virtual classes, stuffing envelopes, and more.
For those who are looking to increase their involvement through ongoing volunteerism, you can join a committee or teach a class! To learn more about the volunteer opportunities available this semester and the coming semesters, please email or visit our volunteerism webpage.
Member Library
OLLI at UNLV members have the opportunity to access a wide variety of Great Courses DVDs, textbooks, puzzles, CDs, and more. If you would like to check out one of our 100+ DVDs or textbooks, visit the OLLI at UNLV member library at the Paradise Campus in Building 500. Additionally, members can request online access to more than 100 Great Courses on subjects ranging from art to philosophy and more to view from home. Access online content, including Great Courses, at
Resources and Publications
Find the current catalog, member handbook, and more.