Classroom Hosts
As a virtual class host you will assist the instructor by letting in online students and verifying ID information. You will assist with important announcements and instructor requests and help with any questions that come into the chat room, or by raising of hands. A great way to be involved and keep your classes flowing. Reach out to: if you are interested.
Online Class Content
Virtual instructors have the opportunity to post handouts, PowerPoints, video links, and more on OLLI’s online class content website. All current OLLI members can access this website.
In order to ensure enough time for the Administrative Team to prepare and post content, as well as for members to view materials prior to class, we ask instructors to share any content you would like posted for your class with us at least one week prior to your class session. Content shared after that time may be posted too late for students to access prior to class, and possibly after the class has already occurred. Materials can be sent to us by email at Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
All About Zoom
What is Zoom?
Zoom is a video conferencing platform that is highly recommended by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes National Resource Center and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging.
Zoom Best Practices
- Be aware of your background and lighting. If possible, try to have light in front of you, rather than behind you and a neutral, calm background, clear of distractions.
- Turn your microphone off until you would like to speak, as background noise can be distracting.
- Make sure to turn off or silence your cell phone, just like you would during an in-person class.
Equipment Needed:
At the most basic level, all you need to use Zoom is a telephone, such as a smartphone or a landline. However, if you have access to a computer or mobile device you can use the full capabilities of Zoom. The following equipment will enhance your experience but is not necessary:
- Web camera: A camera will increase your connection with your instructor and your peers by allowing you to see each other face-to-face. If you do not have access to a web camera, you will still be able to see the instructor.
- Headset with a microphone: This will let you hear and be heard more clearly. This does not need to be fancy equipment, it can be the same as the headphones you might use with your phone.
- Charger: Charging your device either before or during class will ensure that you do not have an unexpected power outage interrupting your learning.
How to Join a Zoom Discussion Group:
You will receive a Zoom link for your upcoming OLLI at UNLV class(es) in your confirmation email, and in a reminder email prior to class.
Next to or underneath each class title, you will see a link - copy and paste that link into your web browser OR click on the link to enter the digital classroom. Every week the class meets, you’ll use the same link. A link will be emailed one day before your discussion group.
A Zoom account isn't required to attend a class session. Anyone can attend a class session using their laptop or desktop (Windows or Mac), tablet, or smartphone (iPhone or Android).
- If you haven’t used Zoom before, leave about 10-15 minutes to set it up before your first use.
- If you are planning on using a laptop or desktop, the first time you click on a link it will download a free and secure program to your computer.
- If you are planning on using a tablet or smartphone, you’ll want to download the free and secure Zoom application from your application store. This 1 minute video will likely answer many of your questions
Check Your Audio & Video Before You Begin:
Here are the top three challenges of using Zoom, and how you can address them before they happen. Please click the link below to view a video on troubleshooting these challenges.
Is There a Training Session I Can Attend?
Zoom hosts daily training webinars - various options are available within Zoom which you can register for.
Zoom also has many resources on their website.
Looking for some more advanced Zoom instructions? Check out “Zoom Tips and
Tricks”: view some instructions from our sister organization at Arizona State University.
OLLI at UNLV is here to assist you. If you need additional assistance, please let us know by emailing or calling 702-895-3394.
How-To Videos
How to Test Before a Zoom Meeting