Overview of OLLI at UNLV Classes

OLLI at UNLV classes are purely for enjoyment—there are no tests, grades, or credits. Prior college experience is not required, only a desire to join your peers in the joy of learning. Each of our classes is led by OLLI volunteer instructors who bring a lifetime of personal and professional experience to their classrooms. We are proud to offer interesting and stimulating classes covering a wide range of topics at our UNLV Paradise Campus location, virtual learning platform, and multiple satellite campuses.

Class Schedules

Virtual Learning Grid


In-Person Grid



Membership Rates
Membership TypePrice

Annual 20024-25 Membership (Fall 2024, Spring and Summer 2025 semesters) 

    Can be purchased between July 1 - Oct. 31 2024


Fall 2024 Membership 

    Can be purchased between July 1 - Oct. 31 2024



OLLI at UNLV has a membership fee refund policy. For more information, please go to olli.unlv.edu/about/faq or call 702-774-6554.



Both new and continuing members are welcome to join the OLLI Member Engagement Committee for our fall membership meeting on Wednesday, September 13 in Paradise Campus Room 512 from 1-130p, and Virtual from 1230-1p via Zoom. All members will be sent a Zoom link at the beginning of the semester to participate. If you are not yet a member and would like to join us to learn about OLLI at UNLV, please email olliatunlv@unlv.edu. 

Member Library

OLLI at UNLV members have the opportunity to access a wide variety of Great Courses DVDs, textbooks, puzzles, CDs, and more. If you would like to check out one of our 100+ DVDs or textbooks, visit the OLLI at UNLV member library at the Paradise Campus in Building 500. Additionally, members can request online access to more than 100 Great Courses on subjects ranging from art to philosophy and more to view from home. Current members can access online content including Great Courses at classes.olli.unlv.edu.

Electronic Newsletters 

OLLI at UNLV sends a weekly newsletter and special electronic communications to provide updated information, upcoming events, and more. If you would like to receive these emails, fill out our online form or call 702-774-6554 to sign up today.

Shared Interest Groups 

In addition to the many classes offered by OLLI at UNLV, we have a growing number of Shared Interest Groups (SIGs). Members are welcome to join these groups at no additional cost to increase their involvement in the community and beyond. You can sign up for any SIGs online, however, we welcome members at any time they choose to participate in these exciting activities.

Have an idea for a new SIG? Email us at: OlliatUNLV@unlv.edu.

Link to application and Sig policy:

Rebel Card 

OLLI at UNLV members can sign up for a UNLV RebelCard for a one-time fee of $25. Use your RebelCard to access the UNLV Lied Library, computer labs, and other campus resources (university guidelines permitting). A RebelCard also gives members student rates or early access for UNLV Performing Arts productions, athletic events, lecture series, and other campus events. Restaurants and businesses near campus often offer student discounts, so always ask. More information is available at unlv.edu/rebelcard. To obtain a Rebel Card, you will need to bring your member badge with a current semester sticker or your payment receipt. 


Our program depends on volunteers dedicated to the continuous improvement and success of our lifelong learning community. There are a variety of opportunities for members to participate however their schedule and availability allows. We encourage members looking for volunteer roles on an as needed basis to assist with making coffee, taking attendance, monitoring virtual classes, stuffing envelopes, and more. For those who are looking to increase their involvement through ongoing volunteerism, you can join a committee or teach a class! To learn more about the volunteer opportunities available this semester and the coming semesters, please email OLLIatUNLV@unlv.edu

Member Surveys 

We value your feedback! When you complete surveys about OLLI classes, services, and events, you provide us with tools to continue to improve your member experience. 

Request a physical copy of our catalog with the classes and events of the current semester and join our list to receive future catalogs!