Students, Volunteers, Committee Members, Instructors
Members since 2018
Newly snowbirding to Las Vegas, in 2017, we were investigating things to do. We then found OLLI listed on the web and thought it would be a fun way to learn new things and meet people and we definitely were not wrong!
All the classes at OLLI provide something unique but there are several that we keep returning to, for more! OLLI’s volunteer instructors bring so much to the classes, and put an incredible amount of time and effort into their classes. One of our favorites was Shakespeare with Mary Pace. Who would believe we could finally enjoy this classic author? Mary's teaching technique made you want to read more. Danielle Hartnett's sharing knowledge regarding multiple film people and genre is a treasure. Bruce Ewing's presentation of Broadway musicals quickly immerses us in the magic of
the stage.
We have participated in the yearly phone-a-thon. I am also involved in the volunteer committee. Volunteering helps to keep OLLI vibrant. I started teaching different classes several years ago, including America’s Treasures, Tin Pan Alley Giants, the Harlem Renaissance, and Comedy Duo’s through the Decades. Paul has always been my IT guy, and he’s been so good at it, he has since been offering technology training to all OLLI instructors. This coming summer Paul is taking the plunge to teach a course after serving as a co-instructor for Recreational Card Playing and America’s Treasures. As he said "OLLI has gotten us; hook, line and sinker!”
OLLI is a place of no pressure and enjoying as much as a person wants.
There is always something to experience from games to serious discussions. It is what you make of it—you can join and take a class or two, or go all in with teaching, volunteering and taking on leadership roles like we have, or anywhere in between! The cost is actually quite minimal for all that it includes, and with the free coffee, practically pays for itself! And remember, you never have to go see the principal if you miss a class!